For some time, I had the idea of using different technologies to save a few bucks. Until recently, I was using a local hoster for my site and some friend’s emails and web pages. The service is good, but it comes at a price. Besides this hoster, I am using Cloudflare for managing DNS entries at no cost, and I figured out that you can also host at no additional fees your own website. Provided it is a static website. Which my website was not. It is managed by WordPress.

Being a bit tech-savvy I’ve rather quickly figured out that there are different frameworks which allow you to create simple static web pages, in the form of blogs. I went with hugo, written in Go (not that I knew what this was before) and you can choose and select a hugo template of your own gusto. I went with PaperMod, which is aesthetic and simplistic at the same time. I’ve installed hugo and tried it out using the vast tutorials available on Youtube.

Other tutorials showed a way to automatically deploy my website and any changes to CloudFlare as pages, using GitHub, so I was eventually happy to proceed with the following steps:

  1. Export your content from Wordpress using the builtin function
  2. Export each individual picture Gallery from Envira Gallery - a rather tedious and timeconsuming process
  3. Use ChatGPT to organize your blogs through some simple scripts
  4. Review and adjust the blog entries, tag all your blogs
  5. Create a contact form in hugo, using FormSpree (a free service)
  6. Using Github, synchronize your hugo code in a repository
  7. Create a new website (page) on CloudFlare and connect it to your GitHub repository
  8. Configure a subdomain on CloudFlare and map it to your new page
  9. Configure a DNS redirect at your web hoster to redirect any request to the subdomain

The overall process took several weeks, given I only had limited time available besides my fulltime job, but it was a satisfying experience. The migration is not yet completed though. I still need to transfer my domain to cloudflare and cancle my yearly subsription at the local hoster.

Now, I can create new blogs with hugo and commit changes to my Github repository from where they are automatically pulled to CloudFlare.

Following is a collection of links pointing to my sources throughout my journey:
